Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Ray William Johnson vs. Maker Studios

Ray William Johnson as we all know him is the most subscribed youtuber. With over 6 million subscribers he clearly seems the BIG FISH. But as we all know if you become popular there gonna a lot of people who will start hating on you. No body cares how much haters have hate for them, (at least I don't), but what if your supporters adopt a behavior that you never expect them to have? 

Yeah! I am talking about Maker Studios. Maker studios is one of the famous network that provide its users youtube partnership is involve in a feud with Ray William Johnson. People have different points of view on this feud because according to some people Maker deserve to have a share of 50% of Ray's equal's three show contrary to this there are a few people who believe that Ray has done a great job and he has earned his name, so he shouldn't be sharing 50% of his adsense earnings with Maker studio and that's exactly what Ray William Johnson thought so he left the Maker studios. 

Maker Studios on the other hand is run by youtube community members like Shay Carl and KassemG is also a very active part of it. Thus on the dispute of sharing revenue with Maker Studios those who are a part of Maker Studios actively participated against Ray. But Ray was not alone either. So a bunch of other famous youtube community members like Philip de Franco and Shane also came forward to defend their community leader Ray William Johnson.

I have a picture of these famous youtubers who tweeted about this issue, so I thought it'd be great to share with you guys.
 So the complete story is still not clear but what I have learnt from this whole story, in fact, incident is that Ray seems straight forward and very clear in his claim to be demoralized by Maker Studio staff.