VidCon: Learn from experience and Share your learning

Process of learning and sharing what you have learned, is something highly recommended by most of the successful youtubers. All you have to do is to interact with the viewers and communicate with the youtube community and share that experience. 

Youtube is a video sharing website as we know it. But the question is whether youtube is just a video sharing website or anything more than that? The answer is fairly simple. Yes, youtube is just a video sharing website, but the content of this website includes daily life experience of a million people. Professional youtubers mainly make videos about there life experiences also known as vlogs. Learning from experience is one very common thing we all do in our lives. So what if you get to see people dealing with different life experiences and telling you how they handle those situations? Is that amazing that a guy from Pakistan shares his daily life experience with people living in United States. As they say we are living in a "hyper connected world", its really important for all of us to share what we learn and learn from the experienced shared by other people.

VidCon is the largest gathering of the online video viewers, creators, and industry representatives worldwide, drawing thousands of attendees representing billions of online video views Organized by Hank Green of the Vlogbrothers YouTube channel. Every year, thousands of people gather to share their online video making experience. People get to see other youtubers who are doing same(making videos online) to bring a positive change in this world. VidCon also provides a great chance to every online video content creator to get recognize by thousands other. This way everybody shares his/her life experience and most importantly make a few friends with same interest.

So to sum it up, you got to believe in the power of sharing what you have learned in this life through your videos, to make a successful career on youtube.