Reasons for targetting Youtube

Youtube as we all know is great video sharing website but there are a lot of other social networking and revenue sharing websites and some of them are pretty good, then why to target youtube?
The answer to this question is fairly simple and easy to understand. There are people who spends their whole days sitting in front of camera while doing "Social Networking" as they say it. But this social networking mostly has nothing to do with their real world experience. Besides, they get to connect with the people they already know in real life, they get nothing more than a few location updates from them.
While social networking website provides a platform to interact with people you know(in most cases), the revenue sharing websites are 360 degree different. Since revenue sharing websites just talk in money language. These sites are mostly unconcerned about who you are and how you deal with others. So these websites are good for you as long as you work for them.
On the contrary, "youtube provides a best social networking experience and also gives its users a chance to monetize(sharing revenue with youtube) your videos". There seems to be countless advantages targeting youtube. Though it does take time to make a viewership on youtube, but once you get going there would hardly be anything for you to look back at. Like blogging, you can make a daily dairy on youtube but instead of writing you will have a video diary also known as vlogs. I also have a experience of making daily vlogs on my second channel. Trust me, when you start making videos daily it seems so easy, far easier than writing daily blog posts. So with youtube you get the experience of both social networking as well as generating income.
There are many other advantages as I have mentioned above, but most importantly, the one that I want to share with you guys is getting the targeted audience for your website/websites. As I have told you guys that its a great practice to follow a single niche if you are starting a new youtube channel, the advantage you get is that you will be watched by a group of people who are searching for your kind of videos. If they like your videos, they will subscribe you on youtube to follow your coming videos and that will give you a great advantage of making a website for that specific niche. Thus, you won't be having any trouble getting traffic to your website.
The popularity of youtube, as we know, growing everyday. Individuals and companies are all thinking of youtube as a strong platform for promoting and expending their businesses online. So targeting youtube, is never a bad idea whether you are a college student or a settled businessmen.